Dear life … I’m definitely in it for the long run.

*Photo taken by Pamela Tabb Photography*

Dear life, i’m definitely in it for the long run.

It has been nearly a century since i was last able to sit down and write and freely tell the world what’s been on my mind, but tonight, amidst the craziest and most challenging semester i’ve ever had, i am here – laying in bed and typing.

Something that has been near and dear on my heart and ever present in my daily activities has been my relationship, and as i spoke to my boy about writing this tonight, his one rule was that he is only referred to as Schmerik (which is of course adorable and irresistible).
The truth is that we’ve been dating for over 3 years now, almost 3 1/2 years come November 28th, which may not seem long in the grand scheme of things, but actually, being in the midst of it, is a very, very long time. Now i am by no means an expert on long term dating as some would say that 3 1/2 years is hardly anything, but i definitely have more years under my belt with my boyfriend than most 20 somethings do with their new husbands, and what i have learned and understood in that time is so crucial to my take on relationships.

There is something special about being with someone for so long, but actually being with them because you full on want to knowing that at any moment it could all end and could go away, knowing that you’ve both worked through your arguments and differences and are still standing and here to tell the tale today. And looking back over the time we’ve spent together, I wouldn’t trade it for anything, not even marriage at year 1 or year 2 because here’s the thing … we may have been dating for a long time, but that’s a long time of learning and a long time of loving. In that time, i have had the ample opportunity to learn about the man i’m in love with and how he reacts when his favorite sports team looses, when he gets a bad grade on a test, when he doesn’t get enough sleep the night before, when he’s hungry, and especially when he’s upset. It takes time to learn all these things, and i swear every day i learn something new about him still. Being in a relationship with someone gives you a chance to talk about the things that you will face later in life like the fact that i’m really bad with money so he’s going to have to be the responsible one. It gives you a chance to talk about all the awkward topics such as the “future in-laws”, the taboo topics such as religion or politics, and even the not so friendly topics such as your individual weaknesses.

But i don’t want to fool you, being in a long term relationship has not always and will not ever be a walk in the park. So here’s a little couple pointers on how to ensure that you’re long term relationship is just as successful and strong as mine has been.

  1. You must compromise.
    Straight up, i cannot tell you how important it is to learn that you cannot always be the winner in every battle. If there’s something you don’t want to do for some odd reason or another, think about how this will make your partner. Think about how you challenging this decision will change the mood and impact your interactions for the day. It’s the little things like this that are often overlooked but can have the biggest impact on the relationship. Basically, you must think about whose happiness is more important – yours or your partners, and then, once you answer this question, you must determine what sacrifices your partner has made for you in the past. Relationships, especially those that are meant to grow and develop, are all about giving and taking. The hard part about it is learning when to give and when to take.
  2. Learn how to communicate with your partner
    More than anything, i would say that Schmerik and I are still working on learning how best to communicate with each other. Especially during high stress times like finals week and busy weeks where we don’t see each other often, we sometimes struggle being civil and getting along nice. For us specifically, we don’t communicate well when it is solely phone based. We need to see each other and talk to each other and be with each other in order to fully communicate our needs and our desires. However, don’t be fooled. What is best for Schmerik and i is not best for everyone. It is so crucial that you determine what works best in your relationship for you and your partner and don’t overgeneralize. In this case, it is especially important that if you don’t already know what works best for you, that you ask and explore. I would by lying if i told you i hadn’t asked Schmerik what’s his love language and how would he rather talk to me, and i’d be lying if i said it was easy and i didn’t have to think about it for a couple days before i did it.
  3. Pay attention
    Don’t let anything slip by. Pay attention to everything your partner does and learn from them. Learn about them. Spend the time you’re together learning to love your partner and everything that makes them unique. Try to remember how they like their eggs so you can surprise them one morning or maybe try to get their favorite childhood movie you watched on your first date together so that you can have a night in and relax. It’s the little details like these that end up meaning so much to your partner and it really shows how much you care about them. But really, this is coming from someone who is HORRIBLE at the little details and whose partner is phenomenal at surprising me with things i don’t even remember sharing with him however many years ago.
  4. Remember that your relationship is you and them … do not involve other people.
    I know i’ve done it before, but i’ve also learned from this mistake and will do my best to avoid doing it again. When you’re in your relationship, don’t talk about it or involve other people. It’s as simple as that. A relationship is meant to be between two people and when you involve other people it just becomes messy. Now, this may seem simple thinking that, “oh, i don’t involve others. It’s obviously just us”, but it’s not. When you are fighting with your partner, don’t go texting all your BFFs and tell them how much you hate your boyfriend or how you don’t ever think it’ll be okay (AND LIKE I SAID, I’m definitely guilty of this and those of you who know me well can completely call me on it). It’s so hard on everyone, and when you and your partner do work everything out and are better, and your friends check back in to make sure you’re okay, it’s a stab in the chest of a reminder of everything you were hoping to forget. Which usually comes with more explanations and more reminders of the huge fight you only want to move on from.
  5. Find out what’s important to them
    If you don’t know what they want for their future or for their future family, then you’re not ready to get married, you’re not ready to get married if you don’t know what they want to do after they graduate college and you definitely aren’t ready for marriage if you don’t understand their priorities. Believe it or not, many males first and foremost priority is not their girl and it shouldn’t be. There are very few things in anyone’s life that mean that much to them and a girlfriend of 4 months or even a year may not always be that one end all, first choice. However, this aspect isn’t necessarily about their number 1 choice but also about their numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and so on and so forth. For example, Schmerik and i will make plans for the weekends and decide what we want to do, BUT during soccer season, our plans are all made after 10 am when soccer finishes in the mornings.

This may have turned into an article about all the areas i fall short in, but these are the areas in which my relationship has grown through the challenges. I could honestly go on and on about the different things i have learned from my relationship, but the list would never end. However, to finish up this extremely long post about long term relationships, i asked Schmerik what his two most important pieces of advice for anyone in a long term relationship would be. He said:
– It’s not always about you
– An argument does not mean you’re going to break up.

One more final disclaimer for you – my relationship is very specific and unique to me and my boy. It is by no means applicable to every situation or every relationship, but rather this is my general understandings based on my experiences.

Much love,

Dear life … here’s my secret

As summer comes around and all of my friends come home, there end up being A LOT more parties every weekend, every night, and all the gosh darn time!

Now, I’m not as opposed to partying and drinking as I am to stupidity and drinking while driving. Unfortunately, those two go hand in hand … more often than I’d like to admit.

BUT either way, as Friday nights and weekends come around, my boyfriend and I are not usually at the party but rather seeing snapchats of it. And, as crazy as it may seem, this is odd to some people and we CONSTANTLY get questions about how we avoid this crazy party scene. I finally decided to share my secret with anyone interested enough to read it.

“Our typical night in which we plan on going to a party”
1. Tell parents we will not be coming home that night and we’re hanging with friends
2. Promise not to be stupid and drink and make bad choices, blah blah blah
*2 hours later*
3. Check bank accounts for money to pay for said party
4. Decide that we would much rather spend the night together and have some quality couple time than be in a dirty, gross house drinking cheap liquor or be in a fancy, decorated house wondering which neighbor is going to call the cops first
5. If the bank account allows, rent a movie and buy excessive amounts of ice cream and popcorn and candy on the way home.
6. Go home late that night when the movie is over and all the fun has ended.

The secret to not spending my weekends in a drunken stupor is not, and has never been, that I wasn’t invited to the party or didn’t have the correct connections, but rather I chose not to spend my night that way. In my 2 years of college and my several years of life, I have seen alcohol absolutely ruin my friends and much of my family. Heck, it’s even the reason that I grew up without a father. I have seen it become controlling and necessary in people’s lives and I refuse to let that even be an option for me.

However, telling you that I’ve always made the smart decision would be a lie because I had my crazy days in high school and I’m over it (but that’s another blog post).

So tonight or tomorrow, as you decide to go drink because your having problems in your relationship, think about how this time could be better spent. As your friend starts habitually drinking more and more each night, start to worry a little about them and think of ways to help them. When your drink friends start acting like idiots and treating the ones they love badly, cut them off even though they’ll likely be pissed. Oh well.

So there’s my Negative Nancy and Debbie Downer input for the day, hope it was the least bit enlightening.

Dear life … things are changing

Change is defined as “to make (someone or something) different”.

As i think about the many things i have not had the time, but wanted, to say these past couple of weeks, i can’t help but think about how much everything has changed and how much everything is going to continue to change. It’s absolutely terrifying and i’m kind of over it … already.

I have talked with a couple of my closest friends and people whose opinions i value dearly, and change always is brought up. Yes, people change. Yes, our environments change. AND Yes, we can even change ourselves too. But none of this has prepared me for the excessive amount of change i have seen/experienced lately.
Change is such an odd concept as it can be relatively good, as well as bad. Not every single change in the world is bad, even though it may seem like it at the, time because what’s good change for someone might be an awful change for another. Either way, no one can win all the time.

I think one of the main factors of change, especially in my life, is time. Time changes everything. It seems that time even reaches its fingers into the spines and souls of the people we thought we knew and changes them all the way down to the bone. Someone you thought you knew and that you grew up with gets exposed to this new thing called time, and comes back a grown-up … or at least different. For me, it’s always hard to handle these kinds of change because they seem to hit me where i least expected it, right in the feelers. But then again, i’m happy for those who have changed, i’m also worried, but still happy that they were able to come to this point on their own. When it comes to people, change is the scariest. I never know what to expect or how to act around someone who’s returned and is back. I never know if we’re cool like last summer before you left or like if we’re “cool we knew each other at one point in time and were pretty chill”. People are incredibly too unpredictable and incredibly too judgmental to know if you can act the same, but not only that, people are incredibly too critical and place high expectations on those we hold close and those we surround ourselves with.
A fairly large part of why people change though, is also how our environment, our experiences, and our lives change through this period of time. It’s remarkable to think that in the past two weeks, i have been in 8 states, traveled over 4,000 miles, and been without a home or place to come back too. It’s crazy to think of my best friend who’s coming home after spending 9 months traveling the globe and to think about how her environment and people around her have changed her, but also how my friend from North Carolina has changed just being away from Colorado for the past 9 months. My small town, suburb in Colorado, just 15 minutes north of Denver is different than every other city and there will never be two which are alike. Therefore, there will never be someone who experiences the same things i do on a daily basis.

Not necessarily for you, as much as for me, i have summed up a lot of the positive and negative changes that i have experienced this past year (or at least the ones i can remember/impacted me the most)
+ Helping my mom to buy a new home
+ My job/experiences/friends/family/kids at the church
+ Having jobs that i actually enjoy at the church and quilt shop
+/- Challenging semester
+/- The up’s and downs of my relationship
– Losing my Grandfather and the familial conflict that ensued after
– Moving the week of finals and then leaving immediately
– My car’s catalytic converter going out

At the end of all of this, if there is any point in anyone reading this, i want you to know that life changes. Things and people change, and even the place we reside and spend our days may change, but God is always faithful. Through all of the change i have experienced, and all the change that is still yet to come, i find shelter in our God. He will follow you to college, and accompany you on any, silly, 3 day long road trip you decide to venture on. God is always there and is the friend you can always count on. He does not change with time, but rather is always good, always pure, and always present in our lives, whether we chose to acknowledge Him or not. Change does not affect our God. He loves us despite our change. It is through Him that we find the good in the bad and learn to handle the changes that occur around us everyday.

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

1 cOrinthians 15:51
Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed